1 | Empirical and Advanced Classification for Automatic Seizure EEG Detection in Brain Images | Varma, C. V., Lakshmi, M. J. S. K | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | Vol 25, No 7, PP 740-752, 2021 |
2 | An Improved Prediction of Breast Cancer using Deep Neural Networks (DNN) | Naga Durga K., Krishnam Raju K V. | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology | Vol 7, No 0706221, PP. 25-30, 2021 |
3 | Integrated Algorithm for Human Activity Recognition using GAN | Mounika, B., Rao, T. S., Valli, K. V. N | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | Vol 25, No 7, PP 1330-1340, 2021 |
4 | An Enhanced Technique to discover web data extraction and Data mining in Multi Cloud Server | Madhu Dadi, Krishna, Sivarama& Raju, S, Dilip Ajay Marapatla, Kumar | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology | 7, PP 40-47, 2021 |
5 | Effective preprocessing based neural machine translation for English to Telugu cross-language information retrieva | Raju, B. N., Raju, M. B., Satyanarayana, K. V. V | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Vol 10, No 2, PP 306, 2021 |
6 | Hierarchal Machine Learning Approach to Explore Automatic Seizure Detection in EEG | Udayaraju, P., Jahnavi, R. V. J. P. | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | Vol 25, No 7, PP 765-779 |
7 | “An Improved Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) for finding the Fish Freshness | Janakidevi, M., Prasad, T. V. K. P., Udayaraju, P | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | 25(7), PP 1341-1349, 2021 |
8 | Improved Synthetic Iris Generation and Recognition Techniques | Saroja, P., Raghuram, C | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | Vol 25, No 7, 2021 |
9 | Develop the enquiry with the user profiles that are enhance for custom explore use data | Durga Bhavani | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | Vol 9, No 6, PP 596-601. 2021 |
10 | Exploiting Machine Learning Algorithms to Diagnose Foot Ulcers in Diabetic Patients | Reddy0,S. S., Mahesh, G., & Preethi, N. M | 2021 | |
11 | Smart Heart Disease Prediction System with IoT and Fog Computing Sectors Enabled by Cascaded Deep Learning Model | Raju, K. Butchi, Suresh Dara, Ankit Vidyarthi, V. MNSSVKR Gupta, and Baseem Khan | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, | Vol 2022, PP 1-22, 2022. |
12 | Emotion recognition in election day tweets using optimised kernel extreme learning machine classifier | N.S.B. Kavitha D, Prasad Reddy P V G D & K. Venkata Rao | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | DOI: 10.1080/0952813X.2021.1960633, pp. 1-19, February 2022 |
13 | Leaf Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks | Bh. Naga Harika, G.N.V.G. Sirisha, R. Krishna Chaitanya | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology | Vol 8, No 5, PP. 28-35, 2022 |
14 | Secure Phrase Search for Intelligent Processing of Encrypted Data in Cloud-Based IoT | Satya SreeMadasu , U. Anjani Kranthi, | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research | VOl 13. No 9, PP. 1043-1049, 2021. |
15 | Prediction of Fatty Liver Disease using Machine Learning Algorithms | M.Sahaja, Dr. N. K. Kameswara Rao | Journal of Information and Computational Science (JOICS) | Volume 11, Issue 9, Pages-636-643, 2021 |
1 | Design and verification of WM protocol for Electronic Commerce Transactions | Krishnamraju K. V. | International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research | Vol 31, No 2, PP 323-338, 2020 |
2 | Voice Identification in Python Using Hidden Markov Model | Vmnssvkr Gupta, R. Shiva Shankar, Harika Devi Kotha, J. Raghaveni. | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Vol 29, No 06, PP 8100-8112, 2020 |
3 | “An Enhanced Cloud Computing Architecture focussed at Optimising VM Migration through an efficient Placement Algorithm | Kumari, K. A., Sastry, J. K. R., Rao, K. R. | International Journal | Vol 8, No 6, 2020 |
4 | Heuristics for Winner Prediction in International Cricket Matches. Statistics | Sivaramaraju, V., Sethi, N., Rajender, R. | Optimization & Information Computing | 8(2), PP 602-609, 2020. |
5 | A Survey to Raise the Awareness of Road Accidents Due to Not-Wearing Helmet | Shankar, R. S., Raminaidu, C. H., Ravibabu, D., Gupta, V. M. N. S. S. V. R. | International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research | Vol 31, No 3, PP 367-377, 2020 |
6 | Breast Cancer Disease Prediction With Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) | Shiva Shankar, R., Murthy, K. V. S., Someswara Rao, C. | International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research | Vol 31, No 3, PP 379-386, 2020 |
7 | Evolving a neural network to predict diabetic neuropathy | Reddy, S. S., Mahesh, G., & Preethi, N. M. | EAI Transactions on Scalable Information Systems | ,2021 |
8 | Dynamic Traffic Control System with Reinforcement Learning. | Jyothirmai, V., and NK Kameswara Rao./td> | VOl 1, No 12, PP. 46-49, 2020. | |
9 | Analysis of Satellite Images Using Supervised Image Classification Methods | M. Krishna Satya Varma, Dr. K. Raja, Dr. N. K. Kameswara Rao | Solid State Technology (SST), | Vol 64, No 2, PP. 2616-2621, 2021 |
10 | Content based Image Retrieval using Deep Learning Technique with Distance Measures | Sirisha Kopparthi, Dr.N.K.Kameswara Rao | Science, Technology and Development Multidisciplinary Journal (STDMJ) | Volume 9, Issue 12, Pages-251-261, December 2020 |
1 | Transfer Learning based Face Recognition using Deep Learning | Dr K. V. Krishnam Raju, M. Madhu Latha | IJRTE | Vol 8, No 3, PP 38-44, 2019 |
2 | Implementation of Fingerprint Recognition System using Minutiae Score Matching | Dr K. V. Krishnam Raju, P. Nishmitha, P. Mounika, N. Ajeeth, V. Krishna Sandeep N, Kishore Raju | IJRTE | Vol 8, No 3, PP 62-67, 2019 |
3 | J. Meta-Feature Classification to Explore Automatic Detection of Malware Using Segmentation Method | Vasamsetty, C. S., Chandu, S. S., Maddala, | IJITEE | Vol 8, No 10, PP 2278-3075, 2019 |
4 | Computer Vision based Volume Estimation of Potholes using ZED Stereo Camera | G Sruthi Devi, DVR Mohan, D Srinivasa Reddy, Kiran Vegesna, Gopala Krishna Murthy Nookala | Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | Vol 8, No 1, PP 180-185, 2020 |
5 | Software Reliability Growth Model (SRGM) Based on Inverse Half-Logistic Distribution | PushpaLathaMamidi, R.Subba Rao and R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | Vol 8, No 3, 2019-2020 |
6 | Efficient Spatial Data Management by Apache Spark | V.Priyadarshini, | ARPN, | Vol 14, No 18, PP 4097-4103 |
7 | Efficient power utilization of Cloud Computing resources | N.Deshai, R. Shiva Shankar, K. Sravani, P. Neelima, | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Vol 14, Issue 12, pp. 2273-2278. 2019 |
8 | Advanced Principal Component Analysis for Analysis of Optimized Credit Card Fraud Detection | K. ArunaKumari | International Journal of innovative and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) | Vol 8, No 11, PP 318-322, 2019 |
9 | Energy Efficient Load Balanced Optimal Resource Allocation Scheme for Cloud Environment | K. ArunaKumari | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), | Vol 8, No 3, PP 146-153, 2019 |
10 | Breast Cancer Data Classification Using Machine Learning Mechanisms | R Shiva Shankar, V Mnssvkr Gupta, K V S S Murthy, ChSomeswara Rao, | Breast Cancer Data Classification Using Machine Learning Mechanisms | Vol 10, No 5, PP 246-252, 2019 |
1 | Spam Detection on Online Social Media Networks | G.V.PadmaRaju | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol. 7,Issue 7,PP. 631-635,2018 |
2 | Enhancing the Performance of an Intrusion Detection System Through Multi-Linear Dimensionality Reduction and Multi-Class SVM | Kumar, B., Raju, M. and Vardhan, B. | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | 11(1), pp.181-190. [Scopus] |
3 | Verifying of Autonomous Domestic Robot in AI using JASON | K.V.KrishnamRaju | IJET(UAE) | Vol. 7,Issue 2,PP. 739-741,2018 |
4 | Analyzing call data through live calls using sphinx tool | K.V.KrishnamRaju | IJET(UAE) | Vol. 7,Issue 3,PP. 93-97,2018 |
5 | Call Data Analytics using Big Data | K.V.KrishnamRaju | Springer AISC Accepted,Yet to Publish | 2018 |
1 | Large-scale Sentiment Analysis Using Hadoop | G.V.PadmaRaju | International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology | Vol. 4, Issue 12, 2017 |
2 | An Efficient and Robust Embedded Digital Signature Based Data Sharing Scheme in Cloud Computing | G.V.PadmaRaju | ,International Journal of Research | Vol. 4,Issue 14,PP. 545-551,20 |
3 | Improving Semantic Textual Similarity with Phrase Entity Alignment | Sowmya, V., Vardhan, B. and Raju, M | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | 10(4), pp.193-204. [Scopus] |
4 | DDOS Counter Measures in Light Of Snort's Distinguishing Proof Structure | K.V.KrishnamRaju | IJR | Vol. 4,Issue. 13,PP. 1367-1373,2017 |
5 | A Novel Approach to Extract Top-K High Beneficial Itemsets | G.Mahesh | International Journal of Research | Vol. 4,Issue 10,PP 1493-1497,2017.[UGC recognized] |
6 | Large-scale Sentiment Analysis Using Hadoop | G.Mahesh | IJARTET | Vol 4,Issue 11,2017. [UGC recognized] |
7 | Facial expression recognition using Bezier curves with Hausdorff distance | G.Mahesh | IEEE | PP. 001-008,2017 |
8 | Yeast Two-Hybrid Protein Complexes Based On A Generative Model Of Functional And Topological Properties | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science | Vol. 6,Issue 9,PP. 450-454,2017 |
9 | Large-scale Sentiment Analysis Using Hadoop | GNVG. Sirisha | International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology | Vol. 4,Issue 12, 2017 |
10 | An Efficient and Robust Embedded Digital Signature Based Data Sharing Scheme in Cloud Computing | GNVG. Sirisha | International Journal of Research | Vol. 4,Issue 14,PP. 545-551,2017 |
1 | In silico study in mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of plants | G.V.PadmaRaju | International Journal of Computer Engineering Research | Vol 6, Issue 2, 2016. |
2 | A Frame Work for XML Ontology to STEP-PDM from Express Entities: A String Matching Approac | Someswara Rao, C., Balakrishna, A., BhadriRaju, M. and ViswanadhaRaju, S | Annals of Data Science | 3(4), pp.469-507 |
3 | Parametric studies on motion intensity factors in a robotic hwelding using speech recognition | Kumar, A.S., Mallikarjuna, K., Krishna, A.B., Prasad, P.V.R.D. and Raju, M.S.V.S.B. | IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC) | pp. 415-420. IEEE.[Scopus] |
4 | Role of ICT in outcome based education | Raju, S.V., Raju, M.B., Abbaiah, G. and Gudavalli, M. | IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC) | (pp. 815-819). IEEE. [Scopus] |
5 | Statistical Machine Translation System for Indian Languages | Raju, B.N. and Raju, M.B. | IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC) | (pp. 174-177). IEEE. [Scopus] |
6 | Influence of token similarity measures for semantic textual similarity | Sowmya, V., Vardhan, B.V. and Raju, M.B. | IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC) | (pp. 41-44). IEEE. [Scopus] |
7 | Verification of Autonomous Cleaning Agents | K.V.KrishnamRaju | IJSER | Vol 4,Issue 8,PP 70-73,2016 |
8 | An Exploiting Hybrid Model in Twitter for Tweet Segmentation in named Entity Recognition | K.V.KrishnamRaju | IJCST | Vol 7,Issue 4,PP 195-197,2016 |
9 | Cooperative Leases Using Improved Delaunay Triangulation for Data Consistency in Content Delivery Networks | G.Mahesh | IJCSEITR | Vol 6,Issue 5,PP 29-36,2016 |
10 | An Innovative Research Framework on Intelligent Text Data Classification System Using Genetic Algorithm | G.Mahesh | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA) | Vol 7,Issue 6,PP 57-73,2016 |
11 | Analysis of different Bioinformatics analytic procedures in Biomedical Big data evaluation | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Compute Science and Information Security | Vol 14,SI,PP 116-120,2016 |
12 | Web recommendation system for e-commerce applications | V.ChandraSekhar | International journal of Engineering Research and Tecchnology | Vol 4,Issue 34,PP 180-184,2016 |
13 | Insilico study in Mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of plants | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Computer Engineering Research | Vol 6, Issue 2,2016 |
14 | Cluster Optimization for Similarity Process Using De-Duplication | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of Scientific Research and Development | Vol 4, Issue 6,2016 |
15 | Angle Oriented Based Image Analysis Using L-Axial Semi-Circular Model | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research,ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online) | Vol 1,Issue 4,PP 320-331,2016 |
16 | Enhancement of Big Image Processing Using Naïve based Logistic Regression | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | MAYFEB Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vol 2,2016 |
17 | Bio Analytics-A Big Data Analytics on Disease Identification Using Pathology | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | Global Journal for Research Analysis, Impact Factor: 3.62,IC Value:80.26, www.worldwidejournals.com, ISSN no: 2277-816, December, 2016 | Vol 5,Issue 12,2016 |
18 | Highly Effective Bug Triaging With Software Program Information Reduction Techniques | GNVG Sirisha | IJITR | Vol 4,Issue 6,PP 5030-5034,2016 |
1 | Chloromito SSRDB 2.00:More genomes, more repeats, unifying SSR search patterns and repeats on-the-fly detection | G.V.PadmaRaju | Oxford University Press Journa | |
2 | Computational Analysis of Microsatellite Repeats in Chloroplast Genomes | G.V.PadmaRaju | Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Vol 15,Issue 3,PP 23-27 |
3 | X’ Chromosomal Miner | G.V.PadmaRaju | IJMER | Vol 5,Issue 8,PP 24-29,2015 |
4 | MS-Extractor: An Innovative Approach to Extract Microsatellites on ‘Y’ Chromosome | G.V.PadmaRaju | IJERD | Vol 11,Issue 8,PP 30-39 |
5 | Microsatellite Repeats in Mitochondrial Genomes: A Bioinformatic Analysis | G.V.PadmaRaju | ,Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering & Technology (ICARCSET 2015)ACM | PP 40-45 |
6 | Computational analysis of Microsatellite repeats in Chloroplast genomes | V.ChandraSekhar | Global Journals,USA | Vol 14,Issue 3,PP 22-27 |
7 | Aggregated Probabilistic Fuzzy Relational sentence level Expectation Maximization clustering algorithm using subjective method for efficient text classification | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology ( IJCSIT) | Vol 3,Issue 1,2015 |
8 | Improving search quality using client side protection framework | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Merging Technology and Advanced Research in Computing | Vol 3,Issue 4 |
9 | Microsatellite Repeats in Mitochondrial Genomes: A Bioinformatic Analysis | V.ChandraSekhar | Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering & Technology-ACM | PP 40-45,2015 |
10 | R.N.V.Jagan | |||
11 | Mohan,Identifying Adversary of Pattern Classification under Attacks | R.N.V.Jagan | ,International Journal for Research on Electronics and Computer Science ISSN: 2321-5784 (Print) ISSN: 2321-5485(Online), www.ijrecs.com | Vol 5,PP 4365-4370,2015 |
12 | A New Multivariate Time Series Transformation Technique Using Closed Interesting Subspaces | GNVG Sirisha | MIKE-2015 | PP 392-405,2015 |
13 | Mining Closed Interesting Subspaces to Discover Conducive Living Environment of Migratory Animals | GNVG Sirisha | FICTA-2015 | PP 153-166,2015 |
14 | An Approach To Detect Automatic Vehicle System For Aerial Surveillance | D Ravi Babu | International Journal Of Computer Science And Network Security (IJCSNS) | Vol 15,Issue 3,PP 52 – 56,2015 |
15 | Using Discrete Wavelet Transformation In Fusion Strategy For Target Segmentation | D Ravi Babu | International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research technology | Vol 4,Issue 9,PP 215–221,2015 |
16 | Dynamic Data Clustering for Novel Object Item sets | V.Priyadarshini | IJAEM | Vol 4,Issue 2,PP 126-132,2015 |
17 | An approach to Detect Automatic Vehicle System for Aerial Surveillance | P.Neelima | Vol 15,Issue 3,PP 1248-1252,2015 | |
18 | Efficient Access Control Security Assurance in Cloud Computing Using BGKM with SHAMIR | K. ArunaKumari | IJESRT | Vol 12,Issue 4,PP 568 – 573,2015 |
19 | A distributed location for backup and information storage space | K.V.S.S.R.Murthy | IJMCA | Issue 5,PP 2320-6349,2015 |
20 | A Study on Heat Scheduling in Steel Melt Shop at Vizag Steel Plant | V.V. SivaramaRaju | IJATIR | Vol 7,Issue 13,PP 2610-2613,2015 |
21 | Information Retrieval Based on CPHC in Location BasedSearch | V.V. Sivarama Raju | IJASEM | Vol 4,PP 240 –245,2015 |
22 | A Novel Framework for Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) Using Parallel String Matching | CH Someswararao | Journal of Engineering Research and Applications | Vol 5,Issue 9,PP 49-53,2015 |
23 | Microsatellite Repeats in Mitochondrial Genomes: A Bioinformatic Analysis | CH Someswararao | Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering & Technology-ACM | PP 40-45,2015 |
24 | Click Through Image Retrieval Based On Index Codes | R. Shiva Shankar | International Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management | Vol 4,Issue 3,PP 01 – 05,2015 |
25 | A Novel Framework For Numerical Character Recognition With Zoning Distance Feature Extraction Approach | T.V.K.P.Prasad | International Journal for Engineering Research and Development | Vol 11,Issue 3,PP 16-20,2015 |
26 | In silico functional annotation of a hypothetical protein from Staphylococcus aureus | P.BHARAT SIVA VARMA | Journal of infection and public health Elsevier | Vol 8,Issue 6,PP 526-532,2015 |
27 | Authenticated Privacy Preserving Based on Tuple Groups | P.BHARAT SIVA VARMA | IJAEM | Vol 4,Issue 3,PP 124 – 130,2015 |
1 | Gene Expression Analysis Methods on Microarray Data | G.V.PadmaRaju | GJCST:CS&DE | Vol 14,Issue 3,PP 23-39,2014 |
2 | Performance Analysis of Asynchronous Periodic Pattern Mining Algorithms | G.V.PadmaRaju | ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India | PP 87-95,2014 |
3 | Translation approaches in Cross Language Information Retrieval | Raju, B.N., Raju, M.B. and Satyanarayana, K.V.V. | In International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies | (pp. 1-4). IEEE. [Scopus] |
4 | Variant nearest neighbor classification algorithm for text document | Raju, M.B., Vardhan, B.V. and Sowmya, V. | In ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India | Vol II (pp. 243-251). Springer, Cham |
5 | Database Model for Step-Geometric Data–An Object Oriented Approach | Balakrishna, A., Someswararao, C. and Raju, M.B. | In ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India | Vol II (pp. 191-199). Springer, Cham |
6 | Data Consistency in Dynamic Data Dissemination Networks | G.Mahesh | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ESRSA Publications | Vol 3,Issue 2,PP 2073 - 2078,2014 |
7 | Aggregated Probabilistic Fuzzy Relational sentence level Expectation Maximization for efficient text classification | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Computer Applications, USA | ,Vol 107,Issue 13,PP 20-26,2014 |
8 | Gene Expression analysis methods on Microarray data- A Review | V.ChandraSekhar | Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST) , USA | USA ,Vol 14,Issue 3,PP 22-40,2014 |
9 | Target Inference on Evaluation of Angle Oriented Cluster | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | Computer Science and Information Technology, Horizon Research publishing all rights reserved. http://www.hrpub.org | ,Vol 2,Issue 3,PP 121-124,2014 |
10 | Approximation of Similarity Frames Using Bayes Error Rate | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of ?Research in Computer Applications & Information Technology | Vol 2,Issue 6,PP 39-42,2014 |
11 | A Realistic And Efficient Information Gathering In Tree Based Wireless Sensor Networks | D Ravi Babu | IJARCS | Vol 5,Issue 2,PP 53-57,2014 |
12 | An Object Oriented Approach for Evaluating the Error Correction Coding | D Ravi Babu | IJERT | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 1322-1327,2014 |
13 | An Implementation of Citation Parser Based on Sequence Alignment | D Ravi Babu, | IJAC | Vol 6,Issue 2,PP 58-62,2014 |
14 | A Realistic And Efficient Information Gathering In Tree Based Wireless Sensor Network | D Ravi Babu | National Conference on Advanced Trends and challenges in Computer Science Applications (NCATCCSA-2014) | PP 53-57,2014 |
15 | An Object Oriented Approach for Evaluating the Error Correction Coding | V.Priyadarshini | IJERT | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 1322-1327,2014 |
16 | An approach to Detect Automatic Vehicle System for Aerial Surveillance | V.Priyadarshini | JERT | Vol 3,Issue 7,PP 1248-1252,2014 |
17 | Soft Spatial Query Processing in Spatial Databases-A Case Study | J RAJANIKANTH | International Journal of Engineering Research and Development | Vol 10,Issue 4,PP 47-52,2014 |
18 | An Object Oriented Approach for Evaluating the Error Correction Coding | P.Neelima | Vol 4,Issue 3,PP 1322-1327,2014 | |
19 | An approach to identify automatic vehicle system for Aerial Surveillance | K.V.S.S.R.Murthy | IJERT | Issue 7,PP 1248-1252,2014 |
20 | An Implementation of Citation Parser Based on Sequence Alignment | K.V.S.S.R.Murthy | ,International Journal of Advanced Computing | Vol 6,Issue 2,PP 58-62,2014 |
21 | Privacy Measure for Publishing the Data- A Case Study | CH Someswararao | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | Vol 3,Issue 10,PP 65-67,2014 |
22 | Database Model for Step-Geometric Data – An Object Oriented Approach” | CH Someswararao | ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India | Vol II,PP 191-199,2014 |
23 | An Implementation of Citation Parser Based on Sequence Alignment | V MNSSVKR GUPTA | International Journal of Advanced Computing | Vol 6,Issue 2,PP 58-62,2014 |
24 | An Object Oriented Approach for Evaluating the Error Correction Coding | R. Shiva Shankar | International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 1322-1327,2014 |
25 | An Implementation of Citation Parser Based on Sequence Alignment | R. Shiva Shankar | International Journal of Advanced Computing | Vol 6,Issue 2,PP 58-62,2014 |
26 | “A Realistic And Efficient Information Gathering In Tree Based Wireless Sensor Networks | R. Shiva Shankar | National Conference on Advanced Trends and challenges in Computer Science Applications (NCATCCSA-2014) | PP 53-57,2014 |
27 | Effective Data Transmission Based on Enhanced Steganography & Cryptography | T.V.K.P.Prasad | International Journal for Computer Science and Technology | Vol 5,Issue 4,PP 000-021,2014 |
28 | Effect of Indexing on high dimensional databases using Query Workloads | T.V.K.P.Prasad | Springer | Vol 24,Issue 9,PP 661-669,2014 |
29 | Translation Approaches in Cross Language Information Retrieval | BNV Narasimharaju | International Conference on Computer and Communications Technologies (ICCCT) | |
30 | Effective Data Transmission Based on Enhanced Steganography & Cryptography | V.Dilipkumar | International Journal for Computer Science and Technology | Vol 5.4,Issue 4,2014 |
31 | A Novel Technique for Creative Problem-Solving by using Q-learning and Association algorithm | T. Srinivasa Rao | IJRCCT | Vol 3,Issue 8,PP 809-814,2014 |
32 | Effective Data Transmission Based on Enhanced Steganography & Cryptography | T. Srinivasa Rao | IJCST | Vol 5,Issue 4,PP 21-24,2014 |
33 | An Effectively Managing Balancing Load in Cloud | CH RAMI NAIDU | IJCSE | Vol 4,Issue 6,PP 2321-5585,2014 |
A Hybrid Approach for Efficient Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks | K.DurgaBhavani | IJETT | Vol 16,PP 332-335,2014. | |
35 | A LaGrange’s Polynomial Based Secure Data Distribution between Data Owners | L.Divya | IJETT | Vol 16,Issue 6,PP 311-314,2014 |
1 | Periodic Pattern Mining – Algorithms and Applications | G.V.PadmaRaju | Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Software & Data Engineering | Vol 13,Issue 13,PP 20-28,2013 |
2 | identification of appropriate methods for concept-based user profiles from search engine logs–a study | Rao, c.s., rajanikanth, j., sekhar, v.c. And msvs, d.b.r. | ||
3 | Effect of Language complexity on Deciphering Substitution Ciphers-A case study on Telugu | MSVS, B.R., Vardhan, V., Naidu, G.A., Reddy, P. and Babu, V. | International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 4(1) | 5 |
4 | Formal verification of IEEE 802.11 Authentication Protocols | K.V.Krishnam Raju | JNW | Vol 8,Issue 4,PP 769-778,2013 |
5 | ,Model Checking of E -Commerce Protocol Using CasperFDR | K.V.Krishnam Raju | IJARCS | Vol 4,Issue 10,201 |
6 | Optimal policy of data dissemination in CDNs | G.Mahesh | International Journal of Computer Applications | Vol 73,Issue 17,PP 34-41,2013 |
7 | Primal-dual parallel algorithm for continuous aggregate query dissemination | G.Mahesh | IEEE | PP 545-549,2013 |
8 | Efficient K-Means Cluster Reliability on Ternary Face Recognition using Angle Oriented Approach | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT) | Vol 2,PP 180-187,2013 |
9 | Cluster Optimization for Angle Oriented Face Matching | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE), IEEE Education Society Students Activities Committee (EdSocSAC), http://www.ieee.org/edsocsac" | Vol 8,Issue 1,PP 22-26,2013 |
10 | Approximation of Similarity Failures by Homogeneous Poisson Process | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | Caribbean Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 0799-3757, http: //caribjscitech.com | Vol 1,PP 070-075,2013 |
11 | Optimized Inference of Fuzzy Angle Oriented Matching Using Bayes Condition | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Conference on Quality, Reliability, and Operations Research by ISI Mumbai, 7th-9th January 2013, Nehru Science Center, Worli, and Mumbai-400020. | |
12 | Increasing the Reliability of Fuzzy Angle Oriented Cluster Using Peer-to-Peer” | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | 9th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine-2013,2013 | |
13 | Increasing the Reliability of Fuzzy Angle Oriented Cluster Using Peer-to-Peer | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | 9th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine-2013,2013 | |
14 | Periodic Pattern Mining—Algorithms and Applications | GNVG Sirisha | Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Vol 13,Issue 13,PP 19-28,2013 |
15 | Performance Analysis of Asynchronous Periodic Pattern Mining Algorithms | GNVG Sirisha | 48th Annual Convention of CSI | PP 87-95,2013 |
16 | An efficient sorting algorithm for positive values | D Ravi Babu | IJCST | Vol 4,Issue 1,PP 057-060,2013 |
17 | Mining Association Rules Based on Boolean Algorithm - a Study in Large Databases | D Ravi Babu | IJMLC | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 347 to 351,2013 |
18 | An efficient sorting algorithm for positive values | V.Priyadarshini | IJCST | Vol 4,Issue 1,PP 057-060,2013 |
19 | Database primitives, algorithms and implementation procedure: a study on spatial data mining | J RAJANIKANTH | IJCST | Vol 4,Issue 2,PP 650-655,2013 |
20 | Sequential Pattern Mining Based on Multi Dimensional Sequence Data–A Case Study | J RAJANIKANTH | Indian Journal of Computational Intelligence & Systems Sciences | Vol 1,Issue 1,2013 |
21 | Mining Association Rules Based on Boolean Algorithm - a Study in Large Databases | J RAJANIKANTH | International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing | International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing |
22 | An Efficient Sorting Algorithm for Positive Values | P.Neelima | IJCST | Vol 4,Issue 1,PP 057-060,2013 |
23 | Virtualization: A first step to the cloud | K. ArunaKumari | NICET | PP 497 - 502,2013 |
24 | Sequential Pattern Mining Based on Multi dimensional Sequence data- A Case Study | K.V.S.S.R.Murthy | Indian journal of Computational Intelligence & System Sciences | Vol 1,PP 001-013,2013 |
25 | Sequential Pattern Mining Based on Multi Dimensional Sequence Data–A Case Study | CH Someswararao | Indian Journal of Computational Intelligence & Systems Sciences | Vol 1,Issue 1,2013 |
26 | Mining Association Rules Based on Boolean Algorithm - a Study in Large Databases | CH Someswararao | International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 347-351,2013 |
27 | Index Support for Item Set Mining-A Case Study | CH Someswararao | Indian Journal of Advances in Computer & Information Engineering | Vol 1,Issue 1,PP 37-42,2013 |
28 | Parallel String Matching Problems with Computing Models - An Analysis of the Most Recent Studies | CH Someswararao | International Journal of Computer Applications | Vol 76,Issue 15,2013 |
29 | Parallel String Matching with Multi Core Processors-A Comparative Study for Gene Sequences | CH Someswararao | Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Vol 19,Issue 1,PP 27-41,2013 |
30 | String matching problems with parallel approaches –an evaluation for the most recent studies | CH Someswararao | Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Vol 19,Issue 11,2013 |
31 | An efficient sorting algorithm for positive values | R. Shiva Shankar | International Journal of Computer Science And Technology | Vol 4,Issue 1,PP 057-060,2013 |
32 | Mining Association Rules Based on Boolean Algorithm – a Study in Large Databases | R. Shiva Shankar | International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 347 to 351,2013 |
33 | Index Support for Item Set Mining-A Case Study | R. Shiva Shankar | Indian Journal of Advances in Computer & Information Engineering | Vol 1,Issue 1,PP 37-42,2013 |
34 | Content based email prioritization-a study on social networks | T.V.K.P.Prasad | ,International Journal of Computational Intelligence & Systems Sciences | Vol 1,Issue 1,PP 6-9,2013 |
35 | A combitorial Approach for New generic Malware Detection Technique | P.BHARAT SIVA VARMA | TIJCSA | Vol 2,PP 45-56,2013 |
36 | An Efficient Scheme for Message Encryption based on Public Key Crypto System | M SrihariVarma | IJCST | Vol 4,Issue 3,PP 352-354,2013 |
37 | A new Approach for Context-based Image Annotation and Retrieval for Mobile Device | D.N.S.B.Kavitha | WJESONLINE | PP 149-153,2013 |
38 | Analysis of Bio-Informatics based on Data Mining Technique | D.N.S.B.Kavitha | WJESONLINE | PP 154-158,2013. |
39 | Combine Tag and Value Similarity for Data Extraction and Alignment | D.N.S.B.Kavitha | IJERT | Vol 2,PP 2612-2617,2013 |
40 | Effect Self Loop Avoidance Weighted Non Deterministic Finite Automatic SDT Based Speedo Counter Comparison Algorithm for Efficient and Congested Free Path in Travelling Environments A Survey | Ch.Raghuram | IJCS | Vol 2,Issue 6,PP 302-306,2013 |
1 | Data Cleaning Framework for Robust Data Quality in Enterprise Data Warehouse | Rao, C.S., Rajanikanth, J., Sekhar, V.C. and MSVS, B.R | IJCST e-ISSN, | 976(8491),pp 36-41 |
2 | Formal Verification of IEEE802.11w Authentication Protocol | K.V.KrishnamRaju | Procedia Technology Elsevier | PP 716-722,2012 |
3 | Data Cleaning- A frame work for robust Data Quality in Enterprise Data warehouse | V.ChandraSekhar | International journal of Computer Science and Technology | Vol 3,Issue 3,PP 36-41 |
4 | Similarity of Inference Face Matching on Angle Oriented Face Recognition | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | Journal of Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems, www.iiste.org, ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online) | Vol 3,Issue 2,2012 |
5 | Similarity based Query Optimization on Map Reduce using Euler Angle Oriented Approach | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJSER) | Vol 3,Issue 8,PP 000-002,2012 |
6 | Face Recognition using Unsupervised Images through Discretionary based Security | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of Advanced Computer and Mathematical Sciences ISSN 2230-9624 | Vol 3,Issue 1,PP 181-185,2012 |
7 | Fuzzy Cluster Index: An Angle Oriented Face Recognition Using RSA | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal | Vol 1,Issue 3,PP 1058-1067,2012 |
8 | An Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Cluster Analysis | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research<,ISSN: 2278-784 | PP 374-377,2012 |
9 | Optimizing of Data Duplication Using Map Reduce Approaches | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | ANU Journal of Physical Science | Vol 4,PP 000-021,2012 |
10 | Efficient K-Means Cluster Reliability on Ternary Face Recognition using Angle Oriented Approach | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Conference to ACNSP, Co-Sponsored by IEEE; March 17th-18th, 2012, Conducted by Andhra University College of Engg (A).,2012 | |
11 | “Fuzzy Cluster Index: An Angle Oriented Face Recognition Using RSA | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Conference of Mathematical Sciences International Research ICMSCE-2012, 13th-14th September 2012, IMRF, Vijayawada.,2012 | |
12 | An Approach to Identify and Retrieve Subsequence Matching Frames from Videos | D Ravi Babu | IJCST | Vol 3,Issue 4,PP 562-566,2012 |
1 | Modeling and Analysis of IEEE802.11i WPA-PSK Authentication Protoco | K.V.KrishnamRaju | ,IEEE Explore | PP 72-76,2011 |
2 | Formal Verification of IEEE802.11i WPA-GPG Authentication Protocol. | K.V.KrishnamRaju | Springer LNCS-CCIS | PP 267-272,2011 |
3 | Gene Expression analysis for Typr-2 Diabetes Mellitus – A study on diabetes with and without parental history | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Theoretical and applied Information technology | Vol 27,Issue 1,PP 43-53,2011 |
4 | “Gene Expression analysis for Typr-2 Diabetes Mellitus – A case study on healthy Vs Diabetes with parental history | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | Vol 3,Issue 3,PP 310-314,2011 |
5 | Identification of appropriate methods for concept based user profiles from search engine logs - A study | V.ChandraSekhar | International Journal of science and advanced technology | Vol 2,Issue 1,PP 15-22,2011 |
6 | Array-indexed Sorting Algorithm for Natural Numbers | V.ChandraSekhar | Third IEEE conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN) | PP 606-609,2011 |
7 | Advancement Reliability of Angle Oriented Face Recognition Using Data Locking | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | ANU Journal of Physical Science,ISSN No: 0976-0954 | Vol 3,Issue 1,PP 000-033,2011 |
8 | Increasing the Reliability of Angle Oriented Face Recognition using DCT | R.N.V.Jagan Mohan | International Congress on Productivity, Quality, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling(ICPQROM-2011) | 2011 |
9 | Array-indexed Sorting Algorithm for Natural Numbers | D Ravi Babu | 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks | PP 606-609,2011 |
10 | Implementation of object oriented approach to modified ant algorithm for task scheduling in grid computing | J RAJANIKANTH | International Journal of Modern Engineering Research | Vol 1,Issue 1,PP 134-139,2011 |
11 | Identification of appropriate methods for concept-based user profiles from search engine logs – A study | J RAJANIKANTH | IJSAT | Vol 2,Issue 1,PP 15-22,201 |
1 | Implementation of Interactive Database System for STEP-Geometric Data from Express Entities | G.V.PadmaRaju | IEEE conference on computer science and technology | PP 537-542,2010 |
2 | Implementation of Object Oriented Approach for Copyright Protection Using Hadamard Transforms | G.V.PadmaRaju | IEEE conference on Computer & Communication Technology | PP 473-480,2010 |
3 | Implementation Of Interactive Data Knowledge Management And Semantic Web For Step-Data From Express Entities | G.V.PadmaRaju | Third IEEE conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology | 2010 |
4 | Effect of Feature Selection Method on the Performance of Focused Crawlers—A Case Study on Traditional and Accelerated Focused Crawlers | G.V.PadmaRaju | proceedings of International Conference on Networking and Information Technology,Manila | PP 482-487,2010 |
5 | Decipherment of substitution cipher using enhanced probability distribution | Raju, B.M | International Journal of Computer Applications | 5(8), pp.34-40 |
6 | Formal Verification of IEEE802.16m PKMv3 Protocol Using CasperFDR | K.V.KrishnamRaju | Springer LNCS-CCIS | PP 590-595,2010 |
7 | Distribution of continuous queries over data aggregators in dynamic data dissemination networks | G.Mahesh | Springer | PP 584-589,2010 |
8 | Identification of differentially expressed genes for diabetes with parental history vs healthy using Microarray data analysis | V.ChandraSekhar | IEEE ( ICACTE-2010) | PP 496-500,2010 |
9 | Effect of Feature Selection Method on the Performance of Focused Crawlers- A Case Study on Traditional and Accelerated Focused Crawlers | GNVG Sirisha | IEEE-International Conference on Networking and Information Technology | |
10 | Development of a Manufacturing database System for STEP-NC data from express Entities | CH Someswararao | International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology | Vol 2,Issue 11,PP 6819-6828,2010 |
11 | Implementation of Interactive Database System for STEP-Geometric Data from Express Entities | CH Someswararao | IEEE conference on computer science and technology | PP 285-289,2010 |
12 | Implementation of Object Oriented Approach for Copyright Protection Using Hadamard Transforms | CH Someswararao | IEEE conference on Computer & Communication Technology | PP 473-480,2010. |
13 | Implementation Of Interactive Data Knowledge Management And Semantic Web For Step-Data From Express Entities | CH Someswararao | Third IEEE conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology | PP 537-542,2010 |
114 | A Web Based Sweet Orange Crop Expert System using Rule Based System and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm | K.Hari Krishna | International Journal Engineering Science and Technology | Vol 2,Issue 6,PP 2408-2417,2010 |
1 | Performance evaluation of traditional focused crawler and accelerated focused crawler | G.V.PadmaRaju | International Journal of systems and technologies | Vol 2,Issue 1,PP 61-69,2009 |
2 | Performance evaluation of traditional focused crawler and accelerated focused crawler | G.V.PadmaRaju | Internatioanl conference on web sciences(ICWS 2009) | PP 41-45,2009 |
3 | Performance Evaluation of Traditional Focused Crawler and Accelerated Focused Crawler | GNVG Sirisha | International Journal of Systems and Technologies | Vol 2,Issue 1,PP 61-69,2009 |
4 | Topical crawler on mutual information features selection method | G.V.PadmaRaju | International conference on advanced computing technologies(ICAT2008) | PP 574-578,2008 |
5 | Analysis of Text Complexity in a Crypto System–A Case Study on Telugu. | Raju, M.B., Vardhan, B.V., Naidu, G.A., Reddy, L.P. and Babu, A.V | International Conference on Security Technology (pp. 281-288). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg | |
6 | A Noval Security Model for Indic Scripts-A Case Study on Telugu | BhadriRaju M S V S, Vishnu Vardhan B, Pratap Reddy , VinayaBabu A | International Journal of Computer Science and Security,(IJCSS) | Volume (3), (4) |
7 | Efficient Parallel Pattern Matching Using Partition Method | ViswanadhaRaju, S., Mantena, S.R., VinayaBabu, A. and Raju, G.V.S | In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies | (pp. 427-430) |
8 | Privacy Measure for Publishing the Data-A Case Study | Rao, C.S. and MSVS, B.R | ||
9 | Topical Crawlers based on Mutual Information Feature Selection Method | GNVG Sirisha | Topical Crawlers based on Mutual Information Feature Selection Method,2008 | |
10 | Mobile next generation network: 4G Evolution of Technologies | K. ArunaKumari | Standards and Architecture | PP 151 - 158,2008 |
11 | Propagation Fundamentals and Statistical models for Indoor and Outdoor Wireless Communications | K. ArunaKumari | ETICIT | PP 41-49,2008 |
12 | Integrated System Concepts and Technologies for Next Generation(4G) Mobile Networks | K. ArunaKumari | National Conference on Signal Processing & Communication Systems | PP 51 - 55,2008 |
13 | Application of data mining techniques for intrusion detection | G.V.PadmaRaju | National conference on Mobile computing and network security, VRSEC,Vijayawada,2007 | |
14 | National conference on Information security | G.V.PadmaRaju | VRSEC,Vijayawada,2007 | |
15 | Role based access control- an insight into different models” | G.Mahesh | 2007 | |
16 | Public key crypto systems – computational complexities | V.ChandraSekhar | National conference on information security | PP 45-49,2007 |
17 | Risks in WLAN security – A studyNational conference on information security | V.ChandraSekhar | National conference on information security | PP 62-68,2007 |
18 | Network security - Firewalls | V.ChandraSekhar, | National conference on information security | PP 139-145,2007 |
19 | Application of Data Mining Techniques for Intrusion Detection | GNVG Sirisha | National Conference on Mobile Computing and Network Security,2007 | |
20 | risks in wlan security - a study | J rajanikanth | national conference on information security,2007 | |
21 | Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks for Path Loss Prediction in Urban and Suburban Environments | K. ArunaKumari | National Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Vol 1,Issue 1,PP 20 – 25,2007 |
22 | Service Vision & Architecture of Next Generation (4g) Mobile Communication System | K. ArunaKumari | NCWOC | PP 310 - 314,2007 |
23 | Features in future 4th Generation mobile communication and Adhoc Networks | K. ArunaKumari | Technomillenium – 2007 | PP 51 - 56,2007 |
24 | Trust Negotiation Policy Languages | K. ArunaKumari | ENVISION – 2007 | PP 254- 258,2007 |
25 | Comparison of Artificial Neural Network Models for Path Loss Prediction in Urban and Suburban Environments | K. ArunaKumari | ENVISION – 2007 | PP 57 - 62,2007 |
26 | Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Propagation Path Loss in Indoor and Outdoor Environments | K. ArunaKumari | NCe-merge | PP 25 - 30,2007 |
27 | 4G Features: The Overview of Mobile Communication Progressing Towards Next Generation | K. ArunaKumari | IETE Annual Technical Convention | PP 54 - 60,2007 |
28 | Trust Negotiation System & Preserving Privacy using Ontology | K. ArunaKumari | National Conference on Recent Trends in Emerging Technologies | PP 000-010,2007 |
29 | Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Path Loss Prediction of Next Generation Cellular Networks | K. ArunaKumari | National Conference on Recent Trends in Emerging Technology | PP 000-020,2007 |
30 | TPL, X-TNL : Trust Negotiation System Languages | K. ArunaKumari | MERGE - 2007 | |
31 | An efficient protocol for certificate path validation | G.V.PadmaRaju | CIT 2006 Eight International conference on Information technology,Bhubaneswar | PP 289-294,2005 |
32 | Network Security-Current Perspectives and Future Concerns | G.V.PadmaRaju | CSI Communications,2003 | |
33 | Microprocessor based instrumentation for corrosion monitoring and control | G.V.PadmaRaju | SRKR engineering college, Bhimavarm,1990 |